Taking a public stance against populism and populist slogans
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Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, Was tun gegen Hate Speech?, https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/digitale-zivilgesellschaft/wann-tun-wenn-flyer-gegen-hate-speech/

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Dan M. Kahan, Ellen Peters, Erica Cantrell Dawson, and Paul Slovic, “Motivated Numeracy and Enlightened Self-Government,” Behavioural Public Policy, 1 no. 1 (May 2017), 54–86, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2319992.

Kendall-Taylor, A. & Nietsche, C. (2020). Combating Populism. A Toolkit for Liberal Democratic Actors. Center for a New American Security.

Mudde, C. & Rovira-Kaltwasser, C.  (2012). Populism in Europe and the Americas: Threat or corrective for democracy? Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Mudde, C. & Rovira-Kaltwasser, C. (2017). Populism. A very short introduction. Oxford University Press.

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