How to counter inappropriate comments? How to ignore negative comments online?

Communicating and Countering on Social Media
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How to counter inappropriate comments?
How to ignore negative comments online?

There are a few ways to counter inappropriate comments or ignore negative comments online. Here are some of them:

Counter inappropriate comments:

  • Respond calmly: Respond to the comment calmly and directly, express your feelings without further provocation;
  • Use logic and reason: Use reasoning to address the inappropriate nature of the comment. Use convincing statements and avoid attacking the person directly;
  • Ask clarifying questions: Ask questions about the comment to get more clarification on what is being expressed. This helps to get more clarity about the point;
  • Provide facts and data: Provide accurate facts and information that support your view and refute any incorrect information;
  • Stay focused on the topic: Stay focused on the topic of discussion and avoid getting sidetracked into other areas of the discussion or argument;


Ignore negative comments:

  • Take a break: Take a break from the comment and walk away from the discussion and avoid engagement, particularly if you feel it might trigger an angry or emotional response;
  • Don’t take it personally: Avoid taking negative comments personally – remember the comment might have more to do with the other person’s insecurities and beliefs;
  • Stay positive: Respond with a positive outlook or ignore the comment entirely, it won’t affect the intended result or matter in the long run;
  • Limit engagement: Avoid engaging or replying to negative comments or responses that are aggressive, disrespectful or hurtful;
  • Practice self-care: Practice self-care and consider speaking with a friend or a professional in order to work through any negative thoughts or feelings that may arise;


Ultimately, the decision to counter or ignore negative comments is dependent on the situation, context, and a person’s nature.

How to counter inappropriate comments? How to ignore negative comments online?
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