Year: 2023

4 Fragen an den Antisemitismusbeauftragten der Bundesregierung Dr. Felix Klein „Es ist eine massive Verbreitung von Desinformation festzustellen“ Von Karolina Pajdak Berlin – Am 7. Oktober 2023 überfielen tausende Kämpfer der radikalislamischen Hamas Israel, sie ermordeten mehr als 1200 Menschen, sie entführten mehr als 250 in den Gazastreifen, darunter viele Kinder. Israel antwortete mit einer […]

Content Try to counter the content of an argument with sloganeers of populist theories. As the arguments of right-wing populists are often similar, you can actually practice. Example:  “The money goes to the refugees, and ‘our’ homeless get nothing.” Possible argumentation: The two topics are not related, an apparent connection is only propagated by right-wing […]

Rhetorics Let´s practice! 1) Say out loud the following phrases, you can record it and see if you find yourself convincing enough. 2) In a next step, practice in front of a mirror. Repeat this exercise until you are satisfied and find yourself convincing.

Communication Even if you will never agree with a populist sloganeers’ opinion, you should take your interlocutors seriously as human beings, remain polite, and do not devalue others because they have different political views. However, when it comes to the substance of the matter, try to be consistent, advocating your positions with good arguments. To […]

When to intervene, and when not to intervene When to intervene … While it may be impossible to change the mind of the sloganeer themselves, engaging in the discussion serves a broader purpose. By intervening and offering alternative perspectives, it is possible to prevent others from blindly adopting the populist opinion. This is particularly important […]

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Author: University of Aveiro Europe, once considered a continent of unity and cooperation, has found itself grappling with several simmering conflicts in recent years. The ongoing disputes between Cyprus and Turkey, the now reissued Israel-Palestine conflict as well as the 2021 brought-forward war between Ukraine and Russia, have not only created regional tensions but also […]

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Putin’s warning to the USA of interference – fake interview Two videos are circulating on Tiktok and X (formerly Twitter) according to which Putin has warned the US to stay away from war in the Middle East. The subtitle of one of the videos also puts the following words in Putin’s mouth: “I am warning […]

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Ukraine’s arms smuggling to Hamas – faked news report If pro-Russian profiles and channels on social networks are to be believed, weapons that Ukraine receives as support end up in the wrong hands time and again. A video is currently circulating on social media that allegedly shows a report by the British news channel BBC. […]

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Children in cages – Videos in other contexts A viral video on social media claims to show Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas and locked in cages. Hamas abducted civilians, including children, during terrorist attacks on Israel. But the video is no proof of this; it was already circulating on the net before the attacks. Five […]

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Staged death of a child? – Film sequences as fake news A video, recently a video caused a stir on Instagram, TikTok and X (Twitter). It allegedly proves that Israel staged the murder of a child by Hamas. The video show a boy with his leg twisted and lying on the ground. Next to his […]

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