It´s a term that everyone knows by now: fake news. Fake news, deliberately scattered disinformation intended to manipulate people. In recent years, the amount of this fake news has increased as rapidly as the number of social media users. Social networks and media in particular are considered the “origin” of fake news.
Fake news in times of war
False news about allegedly staged violations are spread in wars or crises on a regular basis. This is intended to play down acts of violence and their consequences or justifying them with alleged acts of atrocity by the other side. We encountered it several times in the past in connection with Russia’s war against Ukraine. For example, it was falsely claimed that victims of Russian attacks were not really injured at all, but had smeared themselves with jam or fake blood or were actors. Even old shootings or medical trainings were falsely used for disinformation. The same now happens in Israel – Hamas war.
Interview with CORRECTIV-Fact-Checker Uschi Jonas

5 questions to Uschi Jonas
Leipzig/Berlin – False reports are circulating everywhere in the online world, especially in social media. The portal “Correctiv” deals with this phenomenon on a daily basis and deploys a fact-checker team to investigate.
“We Europeans” wanted to know from Uschi Jonas, who heads the fact-checker team, what has changed since the Corona pandemic and how her editorial team works.
About Fake News
Fact or fake?

Here a gas bottle explodes at a petrol station in Uzbekistan
Electric cars are dangerous and harmful to the environment

The Scottish Government finally admitted…
Wearing masks is harmful for health!