
Somos europeos. ¿Qué significa esto y por qué debemos defender activamente Europa y los valores europeos? Desde 1957, la Unión Europea ha alcanzado grandes hitos para sus habitantes y para el mundo:

  • un continente en paz;
  • libertad para que sus habitantes vivan, estudien o trabajen en cualquier lugar de la UE;
  • el mayor mercado único del mundo;
  • ayuda y asistencia al desarrollo para millones de personas en todo el mundo.

Más información en el sitio web de la Unión Europea.

Many of the challenges we face – be it climate change, migration, terrorism or pandemics – can only be tackled effectively through cross-border cooperation. Europe offers a platform for finding joint solutions to these global challenges.

So there are several compelling reasons to stand up for Europe and oppose populism. Check out:

  • Argumentation aids for dealing with populist rhetoric: When should you intervene and when is it not worth it, tips on communication and rhetoric as well as scenarios for practising.
  • We are Europeans: Interviews with people from different countries about their views on Europe and what makes them being European.
  • Commitment: Examples of organisations and initiatives that are socially, culturally, environmentally or politically active as inspiration and opportunities to become active yourself.
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